Our Product's Benefits: Transformational Access to the Sea
ARGONETA's team is passionate about the ocean as a resource for recreation, exploration, and scientific discovery. The biodiversity of earth's oceans not only make it paramount for life on earth, but it also offers a wealth of opportunity for areas as varied as experiential learning to biopharmaceutical research and drug discovery.
Traditionally scuba diving has been the primary means for people to experience life below the sea and to conduct conservation and research activities. ARGONETA is developing subsea habitats (think underwater house or short term underwater vacation rentals).
Ask any recreational scuba diver about their first open water dive and they will be able to tell you about their sense of wonderment with accessing the underwater world. ARGONETA's habitats will allow recreational divers to divedifferently(TM) and have more time diving compared to diving from the shore or a boat. Marine researchers and other scientific divers will gain significant efficiency from being based in an underwater habitat for their work.